Форум » Иностранные языки » Конкурс "МОЙ СИМВОЛ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ИНОСТРАННОГО ЯЗЫКА" » Ответить


Мангутова О.Н.: Положение о конкурсе: https://eidos.ru/event/competition/ Уважаемые участники предметной недели! Приветствуем вас на конкурсе "Мой символ изучения иностранного языка". Дата проведения: 22-23 января. Ведущий конкурса: Плотникова Наталья Ивановна, сотрудник кафедры иностранных языков ЦДО "Эйдос"

Ответов - 216 новых, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 All

Громова Настя: It is my symbol of English language.

Белянина Ирина: Have a look at my symbol. Do you want to know why I have created this symbol. English warms my heat and joys my mind. Learning English is the perfect way not to be alone, to expand outlook and to express myself. I am sure English is the language of the future.

tuagaev: I think, that a symbol of the English language may be an open book. It is impossible to learn the English language without reading books. Book is the symbol of wisdom and eloquence.

Keisi: As for my....all ideas very original and interesting....In my opinion the friendship is win... ^-^

Vita: Keisi Your picture is ideal)) I very much like))) you the good fellow

Mango Mango: Vita Your text is very interesting! I liked it! my girl*** <3

Vita: Mango Mango Thanks)) Your creative text very much was pleasant to me))

Настя Овчинникова: Dear, teacher) I want to explain my thought! For me English is a symbol of life. Because English is full of new impressions and events, just like life. For example, you can meet new people in life and knowing English can also help you meet new people. and every year you learn something new that u didn't know before. Also, to know life better u have to make an effort in order to succe in order to succeed, and the same is true for English. You can have good and bad moments in life and the same is true for speaking English. Sometimes our English is smooth and flowing, other times we can't remember the simplest words! I wish u could make it right))

Vita: Плотникова Thanks you that gave criticism to our works and thanks all those who has thought up this competition) it very interesting

Наська: http://slil.ru/28551149

Наська: http://slil.ru/28551149

Иванникова Ирина: Hello to all participants and organizers!

Иванникова Ирина: I am good at sports. The main event of the year 2014 will be Winter Olympic Games. It will take place in Russia. Russia will meet a lot of guests from all over the world. English will be the language of communication. My dream is to visit the Olympic Games and to make many new friends. Who knows, may be my dream will become true.

maksimov: my simbol of learning foreign languages is 4-headed eagle beacause he looks into south, nord , west and east

sstepchenkov88: Всем кому интересно, есть отличный конкурс по английскому языку вот здесь https://eidos.ru/event/competition/pupils/catalog/871138/

eidos: Дистанционные эвристические олимпиады по английскому и др. https://eidos.ru/event/olymp/dist/

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