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Конкурс "Приветствие для Королевы". Задание 2 "Я возьму бумагу и..."

Чмелева Елена: Положение о конкурсе: https://eidos.ru/event/competition/ Конкурс "Приветствие для Королевы". Задание 2 "Я возьму бумагу и..." 8-10 декабря Задание 2: "Я возьму бумагу и ... » Обсуждаем содержание и формы представления письма.

Ответов - 71 новых, стр: 1 2 All

Belikina: Hello, dear participants! Your second task will be to discuss the theme of your letter. But first of all answer the following questions: 1. Why did YOU decide to write the letter? 2. How to write a letter to the Queen? 3. How to write a letter to the Queen to get a reply from Her? Her Majesty has been an important figure of the world for over half a century. Learn more at http://www.royal.gov.uk/hmthequeen/hmthequeen.aspx The more we know about the person the easier we express the message in the letter, the closer we are to our purpose. P.S. It's very difficult to communicate when you don't see the photo or avatar of your interlocutor. So it will be a part of your task to download an avatar or your photo in your message C уважением, Беликина Елена Викторовна, сотрудник кафедры иностранных языков ЦДО "Эйдос"

Tom Riddle JR.: Hi all!   I decided to write a letter to the queen, because I never socialized with people of higher rank and I would like to make the necessary contacts. I also think that the letter should be a pretty interesting and certainly decent. I think that the Queen is not interested in something stupid,but then I'll find something to say.

Kramer: Hi, Vladimir! I have never commuicate with people of such rank too, but I you sure you'll find what to say? As for me I'm at a loss...I haven't desided yet what to ask the Queen about. Or may be to invite her to our town...But it isn't interestig for her I suppose. May be...no...I'll think it over tommorow Yulia

Arina Ermolovch: Hi where do you live?

Tom Riddle JR.: Hi Yulia Sorry, but I don't quite understand your question.

Kapitan_Kangaroo: Vladimir, Yula asked you about what you are going to say to the Queen. Or itis better to speak Russian? есть ли у тебя что сказать Королеве? Nikita

юля казанцева: You addressed me?

СCHESSTER: Sorry, юля казанцева ! They addressed not you,I'm afraid, Kramer is Yulya too(she is from my school, I know) but if you want, let's talk with you Do you believe that the Queen can answer us? By the way, how old are you? Ilya

юля казанцева: I am 12. And i believe that dear majesty can answer us. My letter to the Queen will be very interesting. And i live in the Khabarovsk.

Tom Riddle JR.: Yes, you joker, Nikita, you remind me of Petrosian. Julie, I would like to share with you my thoughts, but I am afraid that they will be stolen because they are very good. Vova

NG: Hello, Vladimir! I would like to share with you my thoughts, but I am afraid that they will be stolen because they are very good. We wanted to write about our theme, but now we doubt. Do you realy think that other participants can take uour idea? Nastya and Galya

юля казанцева: whose are these thoughts?Tom?

Tom Riddle JR.: By the way, Nikita, tell us what you are going to write to the Queen? Share your thoughts on this.

юля казанцева: where are you all? ... boring it is ....

СCHESSTER: I'm here, Yulya Kazantseva! Let's have fun!!!!!!!! And let's invite Kapitan_Kangaroo, he is specialized on the fight with sadness and bad mood!!!!!!!!!!!! Kapitan, where are you? Ilya

юля казанцева: ha ha ha!

Polly and F: Hello, юля казанцева ! It depends on us -boring it or not, let's write more often Polly and F

Kapitan_Kangaroo: Dear Vladimir I want to discuss with the Queen many questions. If she likes the Beatles, for example.As for me I like The Beatles very much. But my main questions is what her mission in this world. If she thinks that she has comlpeted her mission or no.And what is the difference between mission of the Queen of England and the mission of the woman. There are no limits for infinity. Nikita

СCHESSTER: Good question, Kapitan_Kangarooo! what is the difference between mission of the Queen of England and the mission of the woman. I 'm sure it's very difficult to be the Queen, cause she is not only the Queen but just the woman too! Imagine, you must hide all your feelings, you can't cry when you want.....you can't even choose your boy friend! It's awfull! But I know some people who envy her Majesty , because she is rich, famous and free! But is she happy? Who knows? NOBODY..... Ilya

Tom Riddle JR.: Dear Nastya and Galya! You can tell your theme, and don't be afraid I just don't want to speak about it now.... Vladimir

NG: Vladimir! did you visit site of the Queen? Nastya and Galya

Tom Riddle JR.: NG! Of course I visited the site. There's a lot of information, very interesting, but nothing new I met. Have you been on this site?

NG: Yes, Vladimir, we were there and find many interesting things And we like this charming woman Isn't she charming? Nastya and Galya Oh, parents .....it's late for us....good buy

Kramer: Hello, GN! An interesting photo, but I like this one better They write about the Queen on her site: An animal lover since childhood, The Queen takes a keen and highly knowledgeable interest in horses. I love animals too. May be the theme of my letter will be animals. I must think it over Yulya

Илья Ясаков: How do you put pictures in picture?

Илья Ясаков: How do you put pictures in picture?

NG: Dear Kramer! You wrote: May be the theme of my letter will be animals. We think it' an excellent idea to write about your favorite animals and ask the Queen about hers. Nastya and Galya

СCHESSTER: Hello, everybody! I'm again with you! I visited this site too, and was shocked to know how beautiful Her Majesty the Queen. Look at this photo The Queen at the age of two (in 1928) And on the second photo she has already 2 children:Prince Charles and Princes Anna It's difficult to imagin that such a great person was just a child and just a woman, who loves her children and takes care of them. Thanks alot to the organizers for the address of the site Ilya

юля казанцева: Hello CCHESSTER,where do you live?

СCHESSTER: Hello, юля казанцева ! I live in Kaluga. And where are you from? What will your letter to the Queen ab out? Ilya

юля казанцева: I decided to write a letter because I want to communicate with people of the highest rank, to learn more about the Queen, and to congratulate all its majesty with Christmas. I think if you have a good imagination and a desire for something more and better, you can write pismo.Esli it will be interesting and large, the queen can select.

Arina Ermolovch: Why I want to write to Her Majesty is a very nice question. The answer is simple. I like holidays , especially New Year and I want to ask the Queen about Roual traditions of New Year celebrations.

Liza Tyshchenko: I want to write Her Majesty because I am heard that her daughter Anna won the Olympic Prise. I congratulations the Queen and her daughter and I want to know what kind of sports the Queen is fond of.

Илья Ясаков: Do you think , where to start?

Илья Ясаков: What you can talk to the Queen?

Tom Riddle JR.: Hello Arina Ermolovch! Why did you decide to ask the Queen about the holidays, for that you love them? If not a secret Vova.

Tom Riddle JR.: Liza Tyshchenko! Why do you want to talk to the Queen about the sport? Do you love sports? Maybe you have a hobby? Vova.

Настя Дымова: Hi)) I desided to write a letter to the queen, becaus I have never spoken with such a great purson. and she is very nice. And I always interesting about Queen's family

Саша Ячмень: Hello all !I so glad you all to see!))I here that would like to congratulate all your favorite Queen)And the only time catch up with such interesting and a wonderful person as our all-beloved Queen!!)) And I wish you all great success!ALL Good LUCK!!!!!

Бердникова Анастасия: Hi. I began to participate in this Olympiad, because, I wonder, to send a letter to a man of high society. I really want to congratulate the Queen of the coming Christmas. I like very much to participate in the competitions, so, I decided to take part in this) I Hope that she will be successful:) good luck to all the participants:)

Tom Riddle JR.: Hello Sacha! What touching words Alex, thank you very much. I also wish you good luck Vova

Tom Riddle JR.: Hi Nastia! Thanks for your wishes. Good luck to you, too. You say you love games? You hope to win this contest? Vova.

emanon: hi guys how are you? I decided to write a letter to the queen, because it's interesting. (.. And we will not forget that it is a part of the competition. and I have no choice) I want to write about poetry.   I'm sure the Queen loves poetry. maybe she likes Walter Scott, maybe not.. I want to ask her about her favorite poets

юля казанцева: Hello! I'm fine! What about you? Have a nice day!!!!

Polly and F: Hello, emanon! We are sure the Queen likes poetry. But do YOU like it? And who is that woman on your avatar? You are from Kaluga, so I think we are from the same school Am I right? Polly and F

Tom Riddle JR.: At last! At least one person frankly admitted that he had no choice. I have the honor to shake your hand Vova.

Kapitan_Kangaroo: And who is this person, Vladimir? There are no limits for infinity. Nikita

Tom Riddle JR.: d

юля казанцева: Hi, how is your day? Are you ready with a letter to the queen? Good luck!

юля казанцева: Hi, how is your day? Are you ready with a letter to the queen? Good luck!

Polly and F: Hi, Юля Казанцева! We are fine, thanks! Are you ready with a letter to the queen? We are not ready with the letter yet Too much information, too much emotions....My mom (we participating in this contest as a family) tryes to write a poem for the Queen And I think that the Queen is a very interesting person and it's worth to congratulate her Majesty with New Year Can you write the poems in English? Or may be in Russian? Polly and F

Kramer: Dear Polly and F! I can't write poems, but I can draw rather well! But I don't know how to show my pictures, that's why I propose to make contest in the contest The task is: to find the most beautiful or original Fur Tree This is my variant: I like this tree because there are a lot of presents under it Yulya

NG: Hooray!!!!!!!!! We like Christmass Trees! We want to show our favorite tree: Do you like it? Nastya and Galya

СCHESSTER: Ha!!!!! Contest in the contest, I like it!!!!!! But who will be a judge? Who will choose the best Christmass Tree? My variant: I chose this variant, because there is a cat here Ilya P.S. It's interesting to look at the Queen's Christmass Tree:)

Kapitan_Kangaroo: This is my Christmas Tree I hope you remember-I'M KAPITAN_KANGAROO Nikita There are no limits for infinity

юля казанцева: Hi, how is your day? Are you ready with a letter to the queen? Good luck!

юля казанцева: Hello Tom! How is your day? Are you ready with a letter to the queen? Good luck!

One instant: Hello everybody! I decide to wrote a letter to the queen, because i want to know what preference the qeen of music. Possibly she loves a classic music or her opposite. Maybe the qeen know the group "Qeen". I am very interested how the qeen refer to the genre of music and to their name. Darya.

Polly and F: Dear participants! We looked through the Queen's site and found an interesting information Do ypu know that the Queen celebrates two birthdays each year: her actual birthday on 21 April and her official birthday on a Saturday in June. Waiting for your answer!!!!!!!!!!!!! Polly and F I admire this great woman!!! She is always so elegant though she is not young!!!

NG: Dear Polly and F! We don't know exactly, but we think Her Majesty celebrates her birhday with her family and then with all country. Our parents do so. Nastya and Galya

Kapitan_Kangaroo: Dear Polly and F! As I know the Queen celebrated the Diamond jubilee this year. My congratulations to the Queen! And of course she has to celebrate her birthday twice- with her nearest and dearest and with the citisans of her country. My Mum is not a Queen, but she celebrates her birthday twice too-at home and at work. It's more comfortable for her Nikita There are no limits for infinity

Назарова Полина: I participate in this contest because I'm very curious to chat with the Queen, and I want to try their strength in the English language.

Першина Настя: Hello! 1.I decided to write a letter,because I wanted do Queen pleasanty. 2.To write a letter to the Queen very heavily. 3.I think you should write an interesting letter.

Вика Когут: Hello 1)to learn more about the Queen and of England 2)1 welcome 2 tell about yourself 3 say good-bye 3)Аnd ask a question you would like to visit Russia and Moscow

Вика Когут: click here press

Вика Когут: click here

Kapitan_Kangaroo: Вика Когут thank you for such a wonderful photo!!!! Don't you mind if I'll put it in this message? Nikita There are no limits for infinity

Стручкова Вероника: I decided to write to the Queen of the letter felt had never done that. have to be honest,good, nice, etc., need to touch her on the important topic.

Стручкова Вероника: I decided to write to the Queen of the letter felt had never done that. have to be honest,good, nice, etc., need to touch her on the important topic.

Стручкова Вероника: I decided to write to the Queen of the letter felt had never done that. have to be honest,good, nice, etc., need to touch her on the important topic.

Стручкова Вероника: I decided to write to the Queen of the letter felt had never done that. have to be honest,good, nice, etc., need to touch her on the important topic.

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