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Конкурс "Признание в любви к иностранным языкам».

Мангутова О.Н.: Конкурс "Признание в любви к иностранным языкам». Сроки проведения - 19-20 января. Ведущая: Плотникова Наталья Ивановна, сотрудник кафедры иностранных языков Центра дистанционного образования "Эйдос".

Ответов - 12

Плотникова Наталья И: DEAR ENGLISH? I LOVE YOU! Hey, guys, how are your things in English, ah? I have attempted to show my love to English in a way like this: There was the time when I was young, The fifth form of my school. I was informed that soon my tongue Would master English, cool! For sure, it was easy, guys To say (when having dimples): “It is so easy learning Style * Phonetics, Grammar, poems, rhymes", While cheeks were full of pimples. In fact, it was the other way, Oh, round! (I would add) Retelling, learning, reading – Pale were our faces – and Sometimes the storm was in the class, When schoolmates got their “poor”. The teacher roared, she cried : “For shame!” Our English teacher, dour. In spite of many petty grieves We’ve learnt the English language. Long live my English! German! French! Three subjects –like a sandwich! * “Stylistics” I invite you to say "I love you" to the English language! To do it, use any styles you are fond of (poems, rap, songs, stories, etc.).

Плотникова: Dear friends, hellow again. If you feel some difficulties in expressing your feelings in a poetical way, show them in any way you like, for example express the reasons of your learning English. What emotions does English arise in your heart? Feel free to contact me at the Forum. Good luck!

polina98: Острижная Полина, 5 класс, гимназия №7, город Батайск, Ростовской области. I love English most of all it's my favourite subject at school. I have been studying it since the second form. I love everything connected with English: cartoons, books, classes, games. I have got the best English teacher. I love English, that's why I always take part in English Olympiads. I communicate with my English frieds by E-Mail. Our teacher had the great influence on my studying of English. She's very energetic and kind. Knowledge of English is not an easy thing, but if you have a dream to know it you will manage to learn it Everything is in your hands.

Плотникова: Hellow, Polina, It's lovely that you are so fond of English. Your life is filled with wonderful things. You are a happy person, for sure. Imagine that the English language is a real living substance, standing in front of you. What words of love could you address to Him directly?

Устинова Татьяна: Устинова Таня, 7 класс, НОУ школа-интернат №22 ОАО "РЖД" г. Улан-Удэ To begin with I would like to say you Byron's words " Language is the dress of thought". Russian is my mothertongue and is like everyday clothes.English for me is like a newfresh dress which is not boring.That's why English is my favourite subject at school and I love English.It is the most splendid thing that has happened to me. I can express all positive feelings, like trust, respect, responsibility, tenderness, adoration, joy in this language.And finally I understand the power of mylove to English to the end and I can live each moment, being happy and feeling all the various emotions which are peculiar to love.

Плотникова: Hellow, Tatiana, Having read your revelations, I feel poetry in your lines and your romantic character. I imagine how beatuiful you are looking with that charming dress on! Have you ever tried to write poems in English? I guess, the answer is positive. If no, please try. You wll succeed in it!

polina98: Острижная Полина, 5 класс, гимназия №7, город Батайск, Ростовской области. The English language is a Universe, where there are many unknown, fascinating and interesting things. The great power of love for this language leads yuo to everything unknown. I understand that all my done work in English, all my Olympiads or just a test, it's owing to my love for English. A huge real substance - the English language - is in front of me. The way to it is very difficult. But nothing can provent me from taking good results in getting over this way. Good resullts in studying English is a step a head to this substance. Only love and urge to win give me power to be the best.

Плотникова: polina98 пишет: Only love and urge to win give me power to be the best. That thought is very true. As for me, the more I live, the more devotion I feel towards English. Even the process of pronouncing English sounds arouses a lot of good emotions in me. I am glad that you feel the same.

Самойленко Елена: The first language practice is always a great episode in the life of a student; it is the moment when theoretical knowledge finds its application in a real situation of life. Last summer I” passed the exam” ( I met a nice guy who is from the USA).We understood each other very well and I’d like to thank you, my dear English. Here is my love letter to you. My dear friend! I have hidden my feelings for a long time but now I would like to open them. Oh, those syllables, sounds, stresses; oh, that expressive speech! I bent down before You! You filled my life with bright colours like a sun ray after rain . I enjoy every moment with You. Your variety of tenses, forms of your verbs, articles, your easy and admirable words charmed me. I believed that we live for each other. I do love You!

Плотникова: Самойленко Елена пишет: I believed that we live for each other. Dear Helen, you might be the happiest person. If you are sure that you are ready to overcome EVERYTHING to master the language perfectly, it will share its treasuries with you, of course. It will help you to build up your future, it will accompany you through your vivid and energetic life. Good luck!

Сурихина Анна: I like English. It is spoken all over the world. It is not very difficult language so I learn it with pleasure .Most of all I would like to learn more about England and Englishmen. I can’t do it without English. It helps me to read interesting tales, to learn short poems and now I try to write short letters to my pen-friends. It is so interesting and unusual to communicate with foreign children and I look forward to their answers. I admire English which gives me this splendid opportunity. Hip-hip, hurray!

Плотникова: Сурихина Анна пишет: It is so interesting and unusual to communicate with foreign children and I look forward to their answers. Dear Ann, It is nice that you 've found pen friends. I wonder, are they from Great Britain? What interesting things do you know from their letters? It would be great if you could meet each other in future. Proceed with English learning, and your dream will come true.

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