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Peter I

rosa: Peter the great opened the wind in Europe.

Ответов - 8 новых

maksimov: yeah Peter 1 was the gratest russioan ruler, he made from ancient "Rus' " modern Russia


don Leone: WOW Maybe it was windOW?

!ScHeNnOy!: Prosto mozg

зубRa!der: Lets talk about it on www.vnipiet.ozersk.com

dava: And why you've chosen so strange topic to discuss?

maksimov: dava пишет: And why you've chosen so strange topic to discuss? yeah Peter 1 was the gratest russioan ruler, he made from ancient "Rus' " modern Russia It isn't strange. Why do you think so?

Riahanna: and what? you want to say you've opened the window to some teachers treasures or some great secret? i know this tsar quite well. there are lots of articles about this cat-like man in russian roayl history. he cut beards to his vasaals, he created a powerful marine fleet, he ordered tpo build a summer palace in a short time of period when he visited versaille

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