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Why do most teenagers start smoking?

Алина Росина: Hi! I believe that this topic is relevant today, because every day we see young people with cigarettes and it is regarded as customary. I am against smoking! People where are we going? What do you think about this?

Ответов - 6

maksimov: Teens start smoking bevause they thought that it's cool, but it isn't

Azbich: It`s bad.Everybody know it,but don`t stop smoking...aslo drinking

maksimov: Tabac will kill you !!!

Alex Vicious: In my opinion, young person wants to seem older then he is and most of teens think that cigarettes help them to be more liberated mb))))

Gul`nara: Hello everyone! I want to tell that in fact teenagers start smoking because of pressure from their friends, and poor parenting. Teenagers are our future and we must not allow them to ruin themselves. And they set a bad example to younger generations. The best way to prevent this - it is a sport.

Новицкая М.В.: I think that the reason why teenagers start smoking is that they want to assert themselves like adult people(in their opinion). The age is the reason too. It's time of puberty when teenagers come to grips with the rules and adults or what adults teach to do. And smoking is one of the things that adult people suppress for teenagers

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