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Конкурс на лучшую презентацию школы "MY SCHOOL IS MY CASTLE"(на иностранном языке)-2011

Сафонова О.Ю.: Дистанционный конкурс на лучшую презентацию школы "MY SCHOOL IS MY CASTLE"(на иностранном языке)-2011 Сроки проведения: 13 - 26 октября 2011 года. Подробности: http://eidos.ru/project/my_school/index.htm Ведущая проекта: Беликина Елена Викторовна, кафедра иностранных языков Центра дистанционного образования «Эйдос»

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Tanya Shirinkina: Hi, Irisha Bagiyan, Where are you live?

Tanya Shirinkina: Irishka, What do you think about your school?

Irisha Bagiyan: Hi, Tanya! I want to meet with you :)

Tanya Shirinkina: Where we want meet?

Tanya Shirinkina: I want to sleep...

Irisha Bagiyan: I want to sleep too... I dont saw my messager, which I spend about my ideas for my school, therefore I write again: About my school...my school is very good! But I want that us fed more delicious and brought in menu more different dishes :)

Irisha Bagiyan: And also I want that my school was pink, because my favourite color is pink :D

СCHESSTER: Everybody knows that school plays a great role in our life. First we wanted to write a serious story, but after some debates came to conclusion that our story must be easy and funny. May be we are wrong... but everybody in this forum wrote a serious story...it seems to be boring.... So we are going to tell you about Gimnasia № 9 named after K. Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga.. There is an English saying: “My house is my castle”. We think it is true for our school. On the one hand our school is a very old building which looks like a real castle. It has thick walls, a lot of rooms with high ceilings and big windows. It seems to us that our school is like a fortress for us. On the other hand our school is like our home. We think so because we have a lot of friends there, most of our teachers are kind and friendly. They help us when we are in need. They teach us not only their subjects, but how to be good people. In 2004 our grammar school became the winner of regional competition «Best schools of the Kaluga region» Grammar school №9 — one of the oldest educational institutions of Kaluga and the Kaluga region. Within nineteen years the great Russian scientist, the founder of theoretical astronautics taught physics and astronomy in it. It is the well-known iron ladder on which already more than 100 years pupils rise to heights of knowledge. We are proud that Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky went along corridors of our grammar school and taught physics and mathematics in it. To be continued P.S. My school is my castle. Hmm…we don’t think so. It is more than a castle, it is the second house, a castle and a big part of my life. School isn’t only education, it is an interesting mini world. We spend here a lot of time, and this time is very interesting and important for us. Our moto is "Fall down and get up!"

Ust-Pristan: Dear CCHESSTER! We like your descripton very much, your school seems to be like a palace or a museum... But we can't agree with your motto - is it neccessary to fall down?

СCHESSTER: Hmm...girls, sometimes it happens on our stairs and it is rather dangerous, the main stairs are made of iron and the others -of marble, the surface of which is not very plain. If to be serious, we think that it is more important to get up or...how to put it in English....to be restored, may be, after your failure. It is better than not to fall at all, not to do mistakes, we mean. Don't you agree?

Ust-Pristan: We like your story, though we don't see anything funny and we have some questions: СCHESSTER пишет: On the one hand our school is a very old building which looks like a real castle. Would you lik e to change your old building for a new - supermodern? СCHESSTER пишет: Gimnasia № 9 named after K. Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga For sure you have a museum of K.Tsiolkovsky in your school. What are the most interesting exhibits in your museum ? СCHESSTER пишет: In 2004 our grammar school became the winner of regional competition «Best schools of the Kaluga region» Did your get any prizes for your victory? P.S By the way our school also became one of "The best schools of Altai region" this year!!! Congratulations to all of us!We are lucky to be students of our schools, aren't we?

СCHESSTER: Dear Kate and Natasha! Thank you for your interest to our story You wrote: we don't see anything funny It must'nt be funny, not this time. We are thinking it over only. You know it is difficult to do something new in the same contest for the third time Would you lik e to change your old building for a new - supermodern? It is difficult to say...From the one hand our building is historical, and we are proud of studing here. From the other hand we have no swimming pool, no modern workshops for boys. Our canteen is rather small and so on. Of course we have all the neccesary modern eqiupment for our education, that is computers, Internet, ineractive board ....but . We would like to remain the spirite of old school where Tsiolkovsky worked and to have all modern convienences For sure you have a museum of K.Tsiolkovsky in your school. What are the most interesting exhibits in your museum ? Yes, sure we have sush museum and every year many delegations from the other countries, not only other cities come to visit it. As for interesting exhibits...we have a real table of Konstantin Aduardovich, his telescope, some personal things and, of course, his books. Thank you for interesting questions, it's realy pleasant to communicate with you!!!!

Belikina: Hello, dear participants! You have a great opportunity to tell about your school all over the world! Your stories are very interesting, but I have one question for you: Would you like to change anything in your school? С уважением, Беликина Елена Викторовна, сотрудник кафедры иностранных языков ЦДО "Эйдос"

Ust-Pristan: Dear Yelena Viktorovna! We like our school and we get used to it, but certainly there are some things we would like to change. Well, the worst thing about our school(but don't tell our teachers, they will be angry ) is that our first lesson starts at 8a.m. In other schools of our region lessons start later - at 8.30 or even at 9a.m. And we envy them very much!. Becides, there is no buffet here, only the canteen, and sometimes we would like to have a snack instead of porridge...

Ust-Pristan: Oh, breaks are like " a ray of light in the darkness", sometimes they can be even more important than lessons... During the breaks we prepare for the next lessons(very rarely), share the most important news(if we can't do it at the lesson),tell each other funny stories and watch how our classmates play jokes on each other

СCHESSTER: UST-PRISTAN! How we understand you! Breaks...it's the most pleasnt time at scholl How long does your break last?

Ust-Pristan: Dear CCHESSTER! We have different breaks. The first and the last last 10 minutes, and the rest - 15 minutes, because different classes have lunch in the school canteen. For us it's the third break, that is the most pleasant, especially when we feel the smell of pies... By the way, what's the most popular food in your school canteen? Do you often have porridge? Do you have an orchard in your school?

СCHESSTER: Dear girls! (UST-PRISTAN) Our favorite food is hot sandwiges. They are great!!! Wew have porridge very often Our breaks are too long-20 minutes each break! It is too long, believe us! We would like to have shorter breaks and get home earlier. And what about your P.E. lessons? Do you like it? Do you think it is good to have it 3 times a week?

Marina-M: Dear Elena Victorovna, We are so glad our lyceum 5 Perm to have some changes, because "everything flows and everything changes". As for our lyceum we'd like to have more modern equipment for our education such as computers and smart-boards with their posibilities but not that we are having now, we need new technology which will help us to understsnd the material we learn not only on paper or on the blackboards but in its immidiate process. "Theory is nothing without practice". You see your contest is a fantastic provement of it. What is more, we'd like to control our knowledge not only at school together with our great teachers who try to give us everything they know but showing ourselves to college or universitie taechers who catch the tendences of modern international education better due to the fact that they meet with their collegues from different higher educational esteblishments from our country and abroad. We should understand if we are taught in a right way or not. The third point that should be changed is the attitude of many our parents to school and our leaning. They sometimes think that we don't do anything during some lessons, that we are so independent and old enough that we don't need in the help of our parents. We neede their HELP and their UNDERSTANDING of all thing happening at school. may be I will write some more wishes about it if it is interesting to sb else... thanks for your attention

Kate Polygalova: Dear Chester. I do not agree with you. We are learning well. And you? We are friendly and cheerful. That's what we had in mind.

СCHESSTER: Dear Kate Polygalova , We are very sorry if we hurt your feelings We are sure that you are good students. We think only such pupils take part in such competitions. Asd for us we study rather well. Nikita has only one 4, Lena 2, sometimes 3 good marks ( we hope she wiil get silver medal). Well, Ilya and Sasha only good marks. though Ilya can get satisfactory marks too. As we wrote he is very clever, but a bit lazy. Did you decide in what form you will present your school? We- no

Masha Mironova: I think my plan is: 1. History of my school 2. What did we do there. 3. My opinion about school. I will ry to write many information. Good luck all of us.

kind98: Masha Mironova пишет: I think my plan is: 1. History of my school 2. What did we do there. 3. My opinion about school. I will ry to write many information. Good luck all of us. It is very interesting plan!!

Hedgik: Hello Tanya Shirinkina You said that we think that we will win... Your question is not correct. And if you will read our business card with attention then you will understand that we didn't openly say it. Although it wouldn't be bad ... yeah ... In any way, we hope to win ... like other participants in this competition! The word "competition" mean a lot of people who want to win! Are you agree with me?

Tanya Shirinkina: Hedgik пишет: Your question is not correct. Dear Hedgic, I am so sorry if I said something incorect toward to you. I beg your pardon. I agree with you that everybody wants to win and dreams about it, but only the best person / team gets his / their reward. As an English proverb says, HE LAUGHS BEST WHO LAUGHS LAST, so let't hope together only to best and not only sit doing nothing but make sth special for our victory. we are young but ambitious. We can win and loose and that's true. Do you know the meaning of the proverb A LITTLE POT IS SOON HOT? our English teachers told us that it is about our form and we are proud that she invited us to participate in this competition. Also we hope tgo have you as our new friends with whom we shall be able to communicate further after this contest. Good luck, everybody! yours, Tanya Shirinkina http://forum24.ru/gif/smk/sm12.gif

WeRus: Tanya Shirinkina I think you're very clever because you find such subtle errors. I guess you learn well and you have a very good teacher! It does true?

Tanya Shirinkina: WeRus пишет: I think you're very clever because you find such subtle errors. I guess you learn well and you have a very good teacher! It does true? It is true) I love our teachers. They very smart.

Tanya Shirinkina: WeRus пишет: I think you're very clever because you find such subtle errors. I guess you learn well and you have a very good teacher! It does true? It is true) I love our teachers. They very smart.

WeRus: Tanya Shirinkina Why your messages repeated?

Сергей Сафронов: Plan of our presentation. 1. The history of our lyceum and its foundation. 2. The Day of Lyceum students and our celebrating of it. 3. Traditions of the Lyceum. (Tourist Rally, Lyceum's Birthday, the Day of Student, Teacher's Day, Christmas Week, St. Valentine’s Day, February 23, March 8, Victory Day, the Day of Last Bell and school summer camp). 4. The description of the Lyceum outside. Our lyceum is our fortress. 5. Internal description of the Lyceum. How it looks inside. 6. Assembly Hall where we take part in school events. The gyms in which we are engaged in physical activities and in which we hold competitions. 7. Lyceum pool. 8. The most interesting cabinets in our lyceum. New technologies in these cabinets. (The Cabinet of chemistry, physics and algebra). 9. Art Studio and workshops. 10. Cabinet of director. 11. Interesting teachers. 12. Awards of our Lyceum. 13. Lyceum Museum with its memories about the life of the Lyceum. 14. Our lyceum and its situation. 15. Lyceum radio. 16. Sport Complex. 17. Conclusion. Dear friends! If you are interested in any point of our plan, please ask your questions about it. Thanks in advance, your FANTASTIC CHILDREN. We promise you to write true and only true…

Irisha Bagiyan:

Masha Mironova: Irisha Bagiyan пишет: Pedagogical dynasties, our traditionals - it is so interesting! I think it will be great presentation! Good idea!


dany2904: Hello everybody! How are you?

dany2904: *PRIVAT*

dany2904: Hi everybody! My name is Danya I`m from Perm. I study in lyceum number 5. I present the team of "Fidgets". I study in 8 class. I was first on this site and I want to ask you some questions: 1)How do you like this project ? 2)Had you got a rewards in English Olympiads? Which results have you got in this sphere? 3)What do you can advise me to win in this competition?


WeRus: Hedgik пишет: Hello everybody! We (Alena and Sveta) are team from 9 schools in kaluga. We study in 11 class. In this school year we will finish our school. YEAH!!! But then we have to study harder. We think it is not necessary to tell you about our wonderful town, because we are so bored you with its rich history. We took part in different competition in this site. Our team is called the "Hedgehog in the Fog". Alena is «Hedgehog» Sveta is « Fog»… and it's also funny cartoon! Funny because it's very strange. So… in fact we do not know what the program we will have. But we will to try do it more interesting and original. Our goal is not victory, but participation! But if we’ll win we’ll celebrate it a week…or year…or all our life… So we wish you all good luck! With love yours Hedgehog in the Fog! :) Hi Alena and Sveta (Hedgik)! Our names are Alesha and Danya we present the team of lyceum №5 "Fidgets". We study in 8 class. we have read your story and at first we want to whish you a good leaving of your school! You wrote visit card well and we want to ask you some questions The first question: How do you study and which marks do you get? Second question: Had you got a reward in English Olympiads? Which results have you got in this sphere? Third question: Do you attend any sports club?

D&A: Hi, moderators! Our names are Alesha Shishkin and Daniil Zalaev. We from Russia, Perm. We study in Lyceum №5.We present team Fidjets. Please add us in the list of constant users of the Olympic Game, because we want to take part in this competition and we have paid money! =) Please consider our nominees in the near future! Thank you for your attention!

D&A: Hi, everybody!

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