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Дистанционный конкурс-проект на английском языке «My Happy Christmas»

Корючкин М. А.: Дистанционный конкурс-проект на английском языке «My Happy Christmas» Сроки проведения: 3-17 декабря 2009 года. Подробности: http://eidos.ru/project/christmas/2009/index.htm Ведущая проекта: Свитова Татьяна Викторовна, менеджер Научной школы, сотрудник кафедры обществознания Центра дистанционного образования "Эйдос"

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Alex Ponomarenko: The word "Christmas" is derived from the words "Christ's Mass" - the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. But although Christmas is undoubtedly a Christian celebration, it is also true to say that it is an unusual combination of pagan and Christian festivities. A Christmas tree stands in everybody's living room at Christmas, shining its good cheer around the room. Sitting on the very top of the tree is a silver star surrounded by tiny lights. All the branches are hung with silver bells, tinsel and sparkling lights. Around the base of the tree lie the gifts and toys wrapped up in bright colourful paper.

Егурнова Е.С: Dear GNN, I try to see your presentation on that project, i think it is very interesting))So, i agree with U that it is comfortable to do tasks at home)as for Christmas, i think that there are a lot of traditions and each family has their own tradition) some people like go frome house to hose , they sing Christmas carols and collect money for charity. But i think it practis for the most part in GB))

GNN: Lina, and what do you think about our presentation? Did you open it? What can you show us? May be some photoes.. GNN

Alex Ponomarenko: As you know! In many households, part of the fun of eating Christmas pudding is finding a trinket that predicts your fortune for the coming year. For instance, finding a coin means you will become wealthy. A ring means you will get married; while a button predicts bachelorhood. The idea of hiding something in the pudding comes from the tradition in the Middle Ages of hiding a bean in a cake that was served on Twelfth Night. Whoever found the bean became "king" for the rest of the night.

GNN: Alex, it seems to be interesting to compete with you. You know much about Christmas traditions, and how are you going to spend this Chrisnmas? How do you celebrate it at school? Do you like to give presents to your dearest? And what presents? GNN

Егурнова Е.С: Alex, what a nice picture)) And thanks for extra information about Christmas))

Alex Ponomarenko: Not at all!!))

Василенко Анна: Alex Ponomarenko I am Ann Vasilenko. I study in OOC "School". I learn english lesson because it can be helpfull for my future and I think that English its very interesting language

GNN: Alex,the picture is really nice and ve-e-ery big! By the point, don't you know why animation don't work here, we mean-don't move and spark? GNN

GNN: Wow! We've done it! It's sparkling! GNN

Лада Матюнина: Wow. Veru wonderful picture. I feel Christmas holiday today

Alex Ponomarenko: It's cool! I think english is really useful language) The whole world talking in English as well as celebrating Christmas)

Лада Матюнина: Alex, I absolutely agree with you. English is a language,which help in some professions. I'm reaalu happy,that we are taking part in this contest,because we can learn a lot of about Christmas traditions,customs.

Василенко Анна: Сhristmas is a holiday of childhood and magic. Everyone who celebrate Christmas think that it very wonderfull and fantastic holiday. In my family we celebrate Christmas every year. And we have some traditions. The first tradition is to give presents which connected with Christmas. The second tradition is to do an extraordinary and tasty food. The third tradition of my familly is to make concert and held games. It very fanny because we do it to our friends. I think that my favorite holidys are New Yer and Christmas, because we cebrate this holiday with my family!

Alex Ponomarenko: Yes! I agree wiht you) Christmas is realy fascinating holiday!

Василенко Анна: thank you

Василенко Анна: hello everybody how are you?

Alex Ponomarenko: And what about Christmas in different countries? I think different people have variety traditions on this holiday)

Василенко Анна: Alex Ponomarenko Alex i absolutely agree with you that different people have variety traditions on this holiday Different people have differrent traditions

Лада Матюнина: Alex, do you know traditions and customs of another countries???

GNN: The Jewish Christmas calls hanuka. GNN

Alex Ponomarenko: Only 1 per cent of Japanese people believe in Christ. Even so, most Japanese people decorate their stores and homes with evergreens during Christmas.They have a Buddhist monk called Hotei-osho who acts like Santa Claus. He brings presents to each house and leaves them for the children. Some think he has eyes in the back of his head, so children try to behave like he is nearby.

GNN: The special place among tourists ways is borrowed with Finland. Each child knows, that the Grandfather the Frost lives far in the north, in the country with the fantastic name Lapland. This most northern province of the country Suomi laying behind Polar circle is recognized by the world center of christmas tourism. Within several weeks about New year tens charter-parties from the different countries deliver in capital of a province - the city of Rovaniemi - thousand children and the adults going on a visit to the Grandfather Frost. Last years the Russian tour agencies from Petersburg, Kareliyas and Murmansk area will on a regular basis organize trips for individuals and groups to Lapland for Christmas and New year. More often tourists bring by buses, less often - train. In this season capital and foreign firms have offered tourists from Moscow and regions of Russia some variants of christmas roads. And you know that the road to Santa Klaus begins with Helsinki GNN

Alex Ponomarenko: Dear GNN This christmas I will celеbrate with my family and my friends) It will be very fascinating and unforgetable I think. We always celеbrate this holiday in my school with teachers and freinds, also we decorated our class, it is realy funny! I like give presents very much, but the more I love them to receive. It can be different nice things, like candles or other souvenirs.

GNN: Alex, what can we present you, in the frame of this project, of course. Our girls are eager to congratulate you and to present you something original.. May be you can advise something? What would you like to recieve? GNN

Alex Ponomarenko: WOW! realy marvelous picture!

Alex Ponomarenko: May be it can be greeting card or beautiful presentation will be very pleased to receive a gift from you!!

GNN: We promise to think it over... Our girls are very creative...and we-boys-a bit lazy... Ilya

Alex Ponomarenko: GNN, thanks for cognitive information about Finland

GNN: Usually two months before Christmas in Paris - as well as in other centers of the western civilization - the virus of an inevitable holiday starts to develop. At first on TV, in press and show-windows... Show-windows of cafe and shops from within are filled with figures "Snt. Nicols", the goods intertwined celebratory ribbons, synthetic coniferous branches, christmas and New Year's wishes, sparcling tinsel and faience figures, representing Maiden Maria, Over Joseph. And outside all of them are sticked by silicon foam representing a rare snow in these areas.If the snow all the same drops out, that for some reason happens under Christmas, Parisians go mad. So, that the most sports fans take skis and instead of going to the Alpes, arrange a line on slopes of a hill Montmartre. The end of this strange slalom occurs near the rag market Saint-Pierre borrowed in basic Muslim shops. Paris in Christmas nevertheless does not become empty, as it happens in August, during " dog time ", that is a vacation. GNN

Alex Ponomarenko: Thanks)

Alex Ponomarenko: Oh! I like this period of time when our world in waiting of Christmas! all around shining and all people are happy!!

GNN: And are you happy,Alex, in coming of Christmas? What are you waiting from this holiday? Katya Gureeva GNN

GNN: One of the most favourite holidays of Italians is Christmas. In no one country they love this religious and family sacrament as here. Besides blessing of the Papa is directed first of all by the Italian, and then and to all world. Christmas - strictly family holiday. The main fantastic character is Babbo Natal - the local Grandfather Frost which presents children with various gifts. The last can be the most different. Basically they are connected with a house cosiness and a celebratory table. In Christmas Eve they usually give a special kind of colors, so-called " Christmas stars ", symbolizing Vifliem star. On each christmas table in all Italy necessarily there should be the Milan pie reminding an easter cake, "Pannetone". It is decorated with fruit - raisin, dried fruits, candied fruits, especially orange and citric. This delicacy has been thought up in Milan in 1490, but became very fast popular across all Italy, from bottom of the Alpes up to Sicily. With panetonne a lot of of legends are connected, according to one of them ,a young nobleman has fallen in love with the daughter of baker Toni and, to be closer to a beloved, was employed as a helper to her father and in glory of the love has invented surprising sweet bread in the form of a dome. Clients very much liked a new delicacy and bread from Toni (" pane di Toni ") was bought up in huge quantities. In Milan businessmen traditionally give the clients for Christmas well-known panetonne. For children in Italy they prepare toys. Last year the most popular toy for Christmas became Pinnokio. It is considered, that it is an Italian symbol, and soon it will replace an inscription " Made in Italy ". Preparation for a holiday of Christmas in Italy begins in advance. Since the beginning of December streets and the area of city gradually dress up with garlands and flags. Since December, 13th, a holiday Sacred Luchia, christmas markets everywhere are opened, and before the main churches of Eternal city they arrange Dens (Italians name them Prezepper)- the stages representing the moment of a birth of the Christ. GNN

Alex Ponomarenko: Paris!

GNN: Thanks,Alex! Wonderfull picture of Paris. Could you find a picture of Italy, Milan, may be... GNN

Лада Матюнина: beautiful picture. I like Paris. Have you ever been to France??? P.S Please,answer my questions.

Alex Ponomarenko:

Alex Ponomarenko: No problem)

Alex Ponomarenko: Italy

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