Мангутова О.Н.: Уважаемые участники предметной недели! Вот и подходит к завершению наша Предметная неделя. Приглашаю всех на торжественное закрытие недели – дистанционную вечеринку "ЭЙДОС-PARTY", на которой мы сможем не только обсудить итоги недели, но также и весело провести время.

Ответов - 44, стр: 1 2 All

Мангутова О.Н.: Уважаемые гости вечеринки! Как вы знаете, любая вечеринка начинается со знакомства. Приглашаю всех вкратце представить себя самым интересным и необычным способом на иностранном языке. Dear guests! As you know any party starts with introducing. I invite you to present yourselves in the most interesting and unusual way.

Valery2205: Hello to all participants and organizers! My name is Valeria Belyaeva! I am 17 years old! I live in the city of Chita! This year, I will finish school and want to realize themselves in English, that is to become a first-class translator! By its nature, I have a very unusual man: With red hair and green eyes! 7 years engaged in sports ballroom dancing ... And yet, I want to say to all the organizers of this forum many thanks for what they helped me feel more confident in English!


Vita: Keisi Very much it was pleasant to me your performance)

Keisi: My name is Ksenia or KeiSi... I am from Chita...! ................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. I like listening to music and walking with my friends...^-^ .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. And I love ENGLISH Language....! ^-^ ..................................................................................................................................................


Наська: hello))i'm Nastya or Nansy,i like all in this world)i like music,i love my friends and i like english very much!)

Плотникова: Hellow! My name is Natalia Ivanovna Plotnikova. I am glad that I have acquainted with so many interesting persons at the forum. I am from Murmansk. I love my town. It is unpredictable. You can see rain in December, snow in June, so if you make up your mind to have a tour around Kola peninsular, say in summer, do not forget to take a coat with a bathing suit. About my hobby. I go in for volleyball. By the way, do you now that there may be snow volleyball sometime in future? I would like to play volleyball on the snow. What about you?

Просто Дима: Hallo rufen mich Dima mir 11 Jahre, ich lebe in Batajske, ich beschäftige mich mit der Leichtatletik der zukünftige Mehrkämpfer. Ich habe sehr gern, sich mit Koreschami zu amüsieren, ich habe gern, anzutreiben, noch habe ich gern, der Musik zuzuhören, ich habe gern, Slowo Bugaga zu sagen, ich mag Deutsch, Englisch, dem Mathematiker, ich Mag den Kanal MТV, und den Klub lustig und findig und anderes.

Просто Дима:

Мангутова О.Н.: Уважаемые гости вечеринки! Очень приятно со всеми познакомиться! А какая же вечеринка без развлечений? Придумайте любое развлечение для гостей вечеринки и порадуйте им друг друга! Что это может быть? Стих? Песня? А может даже танец? Как еще вы могли бы развлечь гостей? Прошу выполнять задание на иностранном языке.

Мазальков Николай: Hello! I am glad to see you at the final party devoted to English Language.

Keisi: Мазальков Николай Your geme is very interesting...

Наська: i think all people like a fun and music http://slil.ru/28554125 http://slil.ru/28554122

tuagaev: I am glad to meet you at the final party! Have you ever been to Aginskoye? Have alook at it. Enjoy yourselves. My e-mai is Tuagaev@mail.ru

Рубцова Светлана: Good afternoon! I am glad to meet you at the final party! URL=http://www.radikal.ru][/URL]

Громова Настя: I am glad to meet you at the final party!

Семенов Максим: I am glad to meet you at the final party! Six serving men. By. R. Kipling. I keep six honest serving men. They taught me all I knew. Their names are: What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. I send them over land and sea I send them East and West But after they have worked for me, I give them all a rest.

tuagaev: Thanks a lot to the organizers of this week. I have got a lot of impressions. It was of great use for me.

Толокушкина Саша: I am glad to meet you at the final party! Thanks a lot to the organisers of this week. I have got a lot of impressions. It was of great use for me. I love to sing.

Keisi: Fistly we play a game called **bite the apple** An apple is tied for sharing and hung up. Participants suited to an apple on one and try to bite him, holding his hands behind his back. And make it hard. You can organize a competition: to hang a few apples, he who eats it faster. ^^, Next we may sing a song. At the same time we dance. ^-^ And one more game... This is my favorite game **Fanta**... They take a piece of paper and cut it into as many parts, how many people play. On one piece of paper draw a cross, all mixed, and everything is on one piece of paper. Someone with a piece of paper labeled, guess zhalenie, while others perform it. ^^,

Marusya :): Hello people! :))) how are you? I hope great My name is Maree ^^ I'm 16 years old and study at the lyceum ZabSPU. frankly speaking, I'm very versatile person, because have a lot of passion. For example, I like dancing & play on a guitar very much Also i like read different books from classics ( Dostoevsky, Gogol, Turgenev and atc) to moder literatire, such as Paulo Coelho, B. Akhunin, Gi de Mopassan and atc I like make a new friends. There are a lot of interesting people here. You are very friendly Good luck, my friends and take care

Vita: GREETINGS to everything, my name is Vick)) I From the Siberian city of Chita)) I like go on training-sports that can to be лючше)) I listen to music all time I live with it on one wave, I walk with friends, I sit in vkontakte contact I go to the cinema and simply I lead a cheerful life)) I ))

Vita: FANTASTIC game It is required: 1. The company not less than 5-10 persons. 2. The children's book with a fairy tale. (The easier - the better. Are ideally suited - "the Chicken of Rjaba", "Kolobok", "Repka", "Teremok"... Etc. stories any simplified and adapted for children.... - The leader (he will be the reader) gets out - ALL heroes of a fairy tale leave the book on separate leaflets, including, if the quantity the person, even trees, small rivers, buckets allows. And т.д. - The reader starts to read сказк, and all heroes "revive":)))

КриSтюша: HI! I Kristusha! At me it is a lot of interests, but the most like is the PHOTOSHOP I work in teenage magazine where I do covers of magazines !Still I go to drama school "IMAGE(образ)" . I dream to become the actress . I consider, what is it very talented trade. And I also am - TALENT ! Especially, I before 9 years was engaged in dances ! BAY!

Vita: Game «to Restore the passed word» A number from 5-7 words which have been not connected among themselves on sense, for example is read: sugar – a bullet – a box – fish – dance – a pear. The second time a number is read not completely, one of words falls. Children should restore the passed word (and in further and its place among the third time is passed other word. On the fourth time it is possible to ask to restore children all number completely: without preservation of sequence of words or one after another.

Vita: Game «there Lived-was a cat» Exercise consists in drawing up of some definitions to a noun. Each of participants repeats all previous number, adding in the end the definition. For example: It was the beautiful cat. It was the beautiful fluffy cat. It was the beautiful fluffy cat with green eyes.

Vita: Game «Who is who? What is that?» Children recollect that some words can be carried to any class, group, for example, wild and pets, insects, trees, cities, fruit, vegetables etc. «Rise in a circle, I will name words and to throw a ball, you should throw it back to me and tell a word concerning this or that group. It is necessary as it is possible to name words faster. Those children who long cannot name a word or incorrectly name it, leave game»

Vita: ОО and is better let's include music and we will guess who sings and as the given song for each guessed melody))) is called and after we will arrange dances and we will be has fun!!!

Мангутова О.Н.: Уважаемые гости! Вы отлично умеете развлекаться он-лайн и вижу, что вечеринка в полном разгаре! А сейчас подошло время объявить победителей наших конкурсов. Все участники подошли к выполнению конкурсных заданий творчески и неординарно. Члены жюри рассмотрели все работы и определили следующих победителей: Конкурс "Мой символ иностранного языка": 1 место - Соломатин Дмитрий, 6 "Б" класс, гимназия № 7, г. Батайск 2 место - Габбасова Элина, МОУ Гимназия №3,11 класс, город Инта Конкурс "Самая иностранная шутка": 1 место - Хамидулина Александра, 9 «Б» класс, гимназия № 7, г. Батайск 2 место - Канаткалиев Эрдыни, ученик 5 класса МОУ СОШ 23 пгт Айхал Мирнинского района Республики Саха (Якутия) Congratulations, dear friends! Приглашаю всех участников поздравить победителей с победой, друг друга с завершением недели, поделиться впечатлениями от участия в предметной неделе, а также пожелать всем успехов в Медальной олимпиаде по английскому языку, которая состоится уже завтра, 28 января!

Иванникова Ирина: My best congratulations to the winners!

Габбасова Элина: Thank you very much.I'm glad to get this news. Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Elina, I am from Inta. My town is very small, but people are friendly and kind there. I have a lot of friends and I enjoy walking with them when I have free time. Also I am fond of listening to music and playing with my favourite cat. I prefer rock music, because I think it is unusual and beautiful. Moreover, it helps me to relax after working days. What's about my favourite kind of sport? I love skating and I go to the skating rink with my friends or parents every weekends. Besides, I like playing table tennis at my school. I am a student of the 11th grade. I want to enter the university after finishing my school. I want to become an interpreter, which is very interesting and helpful. If you know a foreign language, you will travel to different countries and meet other people. You will be able to study traditions and holidays of other countries. I am fond of learning English a lot and my dream is visiting London. In addition, Japan admires me and I would like to visit it too.

Просто Дима: Габбасова Элина The good fellow I congratulate!

Плотникова: Дорогие друзья! Прекрасно, что так много ищущих, стремящихся к познанию, совершенствованию, учащихся живут в нашей стране. Россия действительно богата юными талантами. У всех участников своё видение мира, оригинальное суждение, открытость в общении. Хочется также сказать слова благодарности преподавателям иностранных языков, которые прикладывают немало усилий, чтобы их ученики проявили себя с лучшей стороны. Желаю победителям конкурсов новых побед, участникам - добиться победы в следующий раз, а тем, кто до сих пор не решается заявить о себе, сказать: "Присоединяйся! Через общение ты постигаешь себя и мир вокруг". А на вечеринке действительно здорово. Ваши игры, разные "фишки" можно применить и в реальной вечеринке. Спасибо! С вами здорово!

Габбасова Элина: Dear participants and organizers! Let me invite you to a very fantastic and fascinating celebration! You’ll be impressed by the food which is made with high quality and includes some items that are not regular part of the family meals. We suppose you would like to try a special course. All the ingredients symbolize hope, happiness, and peace. A lot of snacks, different salads, fresh fruit and vegetables-everything for your taste. Of course, we suggest you not only tasty things. If you are intelligent and creative you can be involved in different games. This game will help us to learn each other and it can develop our memory. All guests should stand in circle. The first man should call his name. Then the second should call the name of the first and his own. The third should call the name of the first and the second men and his own.With the name the participants can name their favourite things or hobbies.

Белова О.Ю.: Dear organizers! Thank you for appriciating the work of my student.I wish you good and clever participants and brilliant ideas.


Тима: Mich rufen Timur. Mir 12 Jahre. Ich beschäftige mich mit der Leichtatletik. Ich lerne, auf der Gitarre und auf den Erstrangigen zu spielen. Mein vkontakte id35450779. Ich bin froh, dass an dieser Olympiade teilnahm. Ich beglückwünsche jenen wer hat gesiegt.

Marusya :): Name of this game is "Diver" The players it is offered to, dressing flippers and looking in binoculars from a back, to pass on the set route. Only it does not cost to do in the street - passers-by can not understand

Sasha Babushkina: Hello! My name is Sasha!!! I am a lyceum student. I study at the lyceum for 5 month. Also I do dance. In my free time I like to read adventure books and writing poetry. Fortunately I have many friends, whom I love very much. I wish you all have good friends. Because it is fun!!!!!!! Good Luck)))))))

Keisi: I live in Chita. I'm fourteen. I have got a cat and tortoise. I'm a lyceum student. My favourite lessons are english and russian literature. On my days off I usually meet with my friends. I love sweet and music. And I am very interesting and positive people! [THE END] ******************************************************************************************************************************* Thank you for hosting such a wonderful event. ^-^

Stasya: Hello)) My name is Anastasia. I am 16 years old. I am from Chita I study at the lyceum ZabSPU I am very versatile, take a great interest brakedance and hip-hop. But the greatest love of my life is a snowboard I cannot live without extreme and friends.

New Lie: Hello) My name is Yana and I am 15 years old. I live in Chita and study at the lyceum ZabSPU. I am happy to take part in this ending party. In free time I like to be engaged a web in design and English language. I adore the friends and to listen to music. English has started to study in four years and I wish to expand the knowledge even more

Анчишкина: My name is Alexandra, but I prefer AlekSasha. http://s002.radikal.ru/i200/1001/09/e106347a20ce.jpg I live in Chita. In the city center. In my free time I go to the cinema with my friends. I am studying English with 5 years. But I think their knowledge is not comprehensive enough, and I want to continue his in-depth study. I am glad that I took part in this competition.

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