Мангутова О.Н.: Уважаемые участники предметной недели! Вот и подходит к завершению наша Предметная неделя. Приглашаю всех на торжественное закрытие недели – дистанционную вечеринку "ЭЙДОС-PARTY", на которой мы сможем не только обсудить итоги недели, но также и весело провести время.

Ответов - 44, стр: 1 2 All

Keisi: I live in Chita. I'm fourteen. I have got a cat and tortoise. I'm a lyceum student. My favourite lessons are english and russian literature. On my days off I usually meet with my friends. I love sweet and music. And I am very interesting and positive people! [THE END] ******************************************************************************************************************************* Thank you for hosting such a wonderful event. ^-^

Stasya: Hello)) My name is Anastasia. I am 16 years old. I am from Chita I study at the lyceum ZabSPU I am very versatile, take a great interest brakedance and hip-hop. But the greatest love of my life is a snowboard I cannot live without extreme and friends.

New Lie: Hello) My name is Yana and I am 15 years old. I live in Chita and study at the lyceum ZabSPU. I am happy to take part in this ending party. In free time I like to be engaged a web in design and English language. I adore the friends and to listen to music. English has started to study in four years and I wish to expand the knowledge even more

Анчишкина: My name is Alexandra, but I prefer AlekSasha. http://s002.radikal.ru/i200/1001/09/e106347a20ce.jpg I live in Chita. In the city center. In my free time I go to the cinema with my friends. I am studying English with 5 years. But I think their knowledge is not comprehensive enough, and I want to continue his in-depth study. I am glad that I took part in this competition.

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