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Неделя английского языка "ПРОЩАЛЬНЫЙ БАЛ"

Афанасенкова Л.М.: Уважаемые участники Недели английского языка! Сегодня у нас прощальный бал. Неделя иностранных языков подходит к концу, но мы не прощаемся, а говорим: «До встречи!» Что Вы бы хотели изменить в проведённой неделе? Какие задания Вы бы хотели увидеть в следующем году? Что Вам понравилось, и Вы взяли для себя, учёбы (ученикам), работы (учителям)? В каких конкурсах, олимпиадах по иностранным языкам вы хотели бы принять участие? Участники предметной недели размещают свою рефлексию на форуме в этой теме раздела «Иностранные языки».

Ответов - 17 новых

Андриенко Виктория: Thank your! It is the greatest! I am happiest!

Калмурзаева Эльзара: Я первый раз участвовала в таком конкурсе. Мне очень понравилось. Конкурс очень необычный. Задания увлекательные и познавательные. Я узнала, что такое синквейн и познакомилась с городом Дерби. А ещё я поняла, что мне нужно много заниматься английским. Спасибо организаторам.

Шиндякин Александр: I liked to participate in the week of the English language very much. It was very interesting to travel through the English language, especially to make the guidebook. Having felt myself the guide I have made the guidebook about the British city of Oxford with pleasure. And I will participate in the next week of the English language.

Кочнева Анастасия: Мне понравились все конкурсы, но второй больше всех. Я много узнала о городе Сидней. Сиднейская Опера, Празднование Нового года в Австралии произвели на меня незабываемое впечатление. Благодаря этому конкурсу я узнала что такое Синквейн. Это был замечательный конкурс! С нетерпением жду следующего конкурса.

Зубрицкий Денис: The contest is very interesting. I learned much about Edinburgh. I learned many new words. I can read and write them now. Now I can work in the phorum. Thank you!

Дудников Дмитрий: I liked the tasks. It was difficult. I learned many new English words. I read better now. Thanks to the week of the English language.

Плечко Т.В.: Hello Dima!!! Today my students of 5th Grade have learned your advice "How to learn English" by heart. You should know you are a well-known person among my students from the north of Siberia A lot of successes to you and your classmaters!!

Артюхова Надежда: I liked the contest. There were interesting tasks. I learned British towns and tried to write a poem about London. The contest “Взгляд со стороны” was interesting. My cat Murka told about me. I am glad to take part in this contest.

Гериш Владимир: Hello! The week of the English language has come to the end. There were intresting tasks. They helped to learn new things and to muster the language. Thanks to everybody.

Плечко Т.В.: Hello boys and girls! I apriciate your talent. You like learning Englsh that's why you are here. You like writing poems that's why you are creative. You pretend to be different kinds of animals that's why you are interesting. It goes without saying you've got a great experience because of good job. Good luck and enjoy English every day!!!

Тихомирова О.В.: Dear boys and girls! How wonderfully talented you are! I can't help admiring your being creative, curious, well-educated. how nice it is that you have a chance to travel round the world and tell us about your impressions. it's really cool! thank you for beautiful pictures, magically described places and good knowledge of English. Tarasenko Angelina, I wish you to be a world-known poet(your translation was brilliant); Dudnikov Dmitriy, thank you for a nice tour to Los Angeles! I hope you could be a very good guide(English will help you); Andrienko Victoria, Scotland is the country of my dream and I'm eager to visit it some day. you can be a writer and tell people about your travelling and adventures; Kochneva Nastya, I don't mind and I'm looking forward to meet YOU at such picturesque places, and maybe, you will be my guide. My dear young colleagues! Love English, practice English! It will help you in your future career. Good luck!

Эргашева Р.Н.: Thank you for your contest! It was very useful to know the opinion of more experienced colleagues. Creative tasks were also very interesting. I'll use them on my lessons with pleasure.

Хамидулина Саша: Hello everyone! Thank you very much. I've taken part in the week of foreign language twice. At first I thought this week won't be so interesting as last one. But I wonder! This week is really brilliant. Especially I like contest "I am fond of English." I have gotten many good advices to improve my English. Thank all participants. I hope I'll take part in next week of foreign language.

Дрофа В.В.: Dear organizers, this week was interesting,useful and makes me think over my own way of teaching English. I had a chance to gain my collection of creative tasks for pupils. Many thanks to you! Besides, it was great to learn about talented pupils, to compare them with my own ones. Thank you very much, dear pupils! Your works were excellent, sometimes unusual. I wish you all the best. Let English be your love forever.

Solomatin о.О: Ich bin sehr froh, dass wieder einmal nahm an diesem Wettbewerb teil. Als ich erfuhr, dass auch in diesem Wettbewerb durchgeführt werden, habe ich sofort gesagt, dass ich teilnehmen würden, denn das letzte Mal, mochte die Arbeit, die Kommunikation mit anderen Jungs im letzten Jahr hatte ich eine tolle Zeit, damals wie heute. Ich mochte beide den Job und mochte den Antworten der anderen Jungs. Willst du das folgende Jahr war auch ein onkurs, bin ich wieder einmal froh teilnehmen. Viel Glück, vor der Sitzung. P.S. Не могу отписаться раньше т.к. были проблеммы с форумом.

ТеплякоVН: My name is Teplyakov Nikita. I am in the 7 "A" class. I am a commander of our groop, which consists of 5 pupils: Khamitov Roman, Lunin Denis, Mariya Denisova, Koshkin Anatoly and I. We like English wery well. Now I will tell you about each of us. Khamitiv Roman is athletic day man. He likes to play the computer games. Lunis Denis is an interesting person. He likes shooting. Koshkin Anatoly is a person, who is always ready to help. Mariya Denisova is in class 9 "B".She is very beutiful and nice. Teplyakov Nikita is a clever person, a commander of our groop. We are ready to spend our time fine.

ТеплякоVН: People celebrate Christmas in different ways. We usually decorate our houses and have a Christmas tree with coloured balls or lights on it in our house which we also decorate. We prepare drinks, salads, pies... Our holiday passes very cheerfully. We visit our relatives, watch TV, we communicate, gives presents and sing a Christmas song. Our favorite song is «Маленькой елочке холодно зимой» Some of us believe in Santa Claus and hope that it will come to their house and give them present. We very good spend time and it is our favourite holiday.

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